Friday, October 4, 2013

Faced With A Possible Foreclosure? Save Your Home Today With Obama Home Refinance Program 2013

There are a bouquet of refinance programs, to suit an individual mortgage situation, in the Obama home refinance program. At present the good news is that, homeowners actually have the opportunity of refinancing for underwater mortgages even if they are deeply so. The rising interest rates make refinancing a tougher prospect, but still it offers a solution. Obama home refinance program 2013 has HARP 2.0 which is one of the few program that shows a way out of such mortgage predicaments. 

The U.S administration expected homeowners to not only hold on to their homes, but also to benefit financially from the various programs that have been put in place in lieu of the housing crisis. More than 2 million families have refinanced through the Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP) and more than 1.1 million families have refinanced through FHA's streamlined refinancing program. Obama Home Refinance Program 2013, is a program that serves the purpose of providing refinance solutions to homeowners stuck with expensive or underwater mortgages. It helps homeowners to secure a new, more affordable and more safe mortgage. HARP is a module of Making Home Available(MHA) program. Lenders weren’t keen to refinance on underwater mortgages before the arrival of this program. The availability of HARP 2.0 has now been extended till December 2015. Earlier, the plan was meant to be effective till 2013.

There Are Many Benefits To Saving A Sizeable Amount, Every Month, Through Lowered Mortgage Payments. Some Eligibility Criteria To Qualify For HARP Refinancing Are Mentioned Below For Your Convenience.

Your mortgage should be owned or guaranteed by Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae.

Your mortgage should have been sold to Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac on or before May 31, 2009.

Your mortgage should not have been refinanced under HARP previously, unless it is a Fannie Mae loan that was refinanced under HARP from March-May, 2009.

You must be regular on mortgage payments, at the time of the refinance, and should be able to show a good payment history of past 12 months

You should also be aware that to refinance under HARP 2.0 Program, a loan application and underwriting process is required. Also remember that refinance fees will apply, for the same. To qualify for this Obama Home Refinance Program 2013

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